Dissertation Proposal Award

The purpose of the MSR Dissertation Proposal Award program is to honour and assist doctoral candidates working in the domain of Management, Spirituality, and Religion (MSR) to develop quality dissertations that can integrate management with spirituality and/or religion, and also reflect novel and/or significant evidence-based theoretical and/or applied contributions to the field. As an emerging discipline of scholarship within the Academy of Management (AOM), MSR seeks to encourage quality doctoral dissertations as a springboard to ongoing contributory research and inquiry.


2023 Award Winners

Rebecca Arwine - University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN
Accelerating Profits and Prophets: Identity  Development in a Faith-Based Entrepreneurial Accelerator

Linda Brewer - University of North Carolina, Greensboro
The lasting legacy of religion: Inequality in the workplace

LauraLynn Jansen - Antioch University
Mokṣa: The Quest for A Liberating and Humanizing Way of Being


2022 Award Winners

Jeannel King - Saybrook University, Pasadena, CA
The intersectionality of creativity and spirituality (“creato-spiritual” or CS) dynamics with the agency of organizational change practitioners.

Anita Mendiratta - Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India
Relationship between CSiR (Corporate Social Irresponsibility), CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), and firm performance.

Vikram Gulati - Maharishi International University, Fairfield, Iowa
Can Paradoxical Mindset and Ambidextrous  Behavior be Developed? A Mixed Method Examination of the Role of Oneness and Development of Consciousness.
Ndiaga Makhtar Seye - Gaston Berger University of Saint Louis, Senegal
The Management of Religious Expression in  Senegalese Military and Paramilitary Organizations.


2021 Award Winners

Antony Froggett - Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University, UK
What can be learnt from Quaker leaders? How Quakers’ experience of leadership contributes to the theory and practice of ‘post-heroic’ models of leadership

Stacey Guenther - Antioch University, Asheville, NC, US
A Phenomenological Inquiry into Group Beingness

Raysa Geaquinto Rocha - University of Beira Interior (UBI), Portugal
Knowledge Management and Organizational Wisdom: The mediating role of Organizational Spirituality

2020 Award Winners

Aditya Agrawal - India Institute of Technology Bombay, India
Organizational Healing

Naama Katan - University of Haifa, School of Management, Israel
Living and Working Together: Team Mindfulness Practice to Foster Interpersonal Well-Being, Trust, and Compassion

Chararinchon (Rin) Satian - The National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), Thailand
Spirituality Embedded in Organization Development
2019 Award Winners

Sang-won Byun - Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development, University of Minnesota
Ethical Leadership Development: An Examination of the Effects of Spiritual Practices and Intercultural Sensitivity

Daehyeon Kim - Washington University in St. Louis
Religion and Emotional Labor: Are Religious Employees Liabilities or Assets?

Haitao Yu - Ivey Business School, Western University
Indigenous knowledge and sustainable development: A place-based perspective