This year's theme is "The winds of life blow across the globe, connecting us all"
Click here for an introductory video
To register click here
We will kick off the Retreat with an Opening Plenary where we all gather together. This will be followed by two days of practice sessions scheduled every few hours and four more whole community plenaries. These sessions will run over the entire 50 hours in order to accommodate participants in different time zones.
Our tradition is to invite retreat registrants to contribute to the program’s experiential sessions. Each session will span 30 to 45 minutes in which a participant facilitates a workshop experience or discussion on their teaching and/or sacred-tradition practice(s) (i.e. specific meditation process; the Catholic practice of the Rosary; Hindu chanting of mantras; exploring the shadow; Chaya Sadhna, the Quaker clearness committee; Aikido and yoga; art as spiritual practice; musical bowls etc.). When you register, you will be sent a link inviting your contribution – don’t be shy!